Tribes of Midgard Wiki
Surtr Set (Shop)
Surtr Set (Shop) II
Surtr Set (Shop) III
Surtr Set (Shop) IV
Surtr Bundle

Long have the gods feared the coming of Surtr, prophesied bane of the Bifröst, Asgarð, and all the Realms to follow. Tempered in the volcanic heart of Múspelheim, this Gear symbolizes the dangers the Einherjar are up against.

— In-game description

The Surtr Set is a Cosmetic set in Tribes of Midgard. It matches the appearance of the Surtr armor set crafted in game and is available to be purchased in the Cosmetics shop either piece by piece (prices listed under picture) or in a bundle for 29 Golden Horns.

Parts of the Surtr Set[ | ]

See Also[ | ]

History[ | ]


  • Introduced