Tribes of Midgard Wiki
Sindri's Foundry
Sindri's Foundry II
Sindri's Foundry III
Sindri's Foundry IV
Sindri's Foundry
Exchanges Items for Souls

According to Asgarđian lore, Loki teased the Dwarf Brokkr, who believed that his brother Sindri could harness magic from any object in the Nine Realms. Loki made a bet, stating that if they could extract but a single Soul from an old leather boot, he would turn himself into a horsefly. Sindri extracted several, and Loki has been missing ever since... Invincible against damage.

— In-game description

Sindri's Foundry is a Survival-mode Construction in Tribes of Midgard. After defeating Fenrir, see Eira Foot-Crushed about attaining this ancient foundry which will extract Souls from unwanted items.

In Saga, unwanted materials can be sold to Merchants for souls.

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